Traffic gridlock is the bane of modern commuting but now Russians in a hurry – who happen to have deep pockets – think they have found a solution to the problem.

Former military helicopters are being adapted as sky taxis to ferry the mega-rich over the gridlock in Russian cities

Former military helicopters are being adapted as sky taxis to ferry the mega-rich over the gridlock in Russian cities Image by Tatiana Bulyonkova / CC BY 2.0

Owning Ferraris or Bentleys is all well and good but driving them through cities means they face the same traffic lights and delays as less well off road users.

Now Luxury Launches reports that wealthy Russians are upgrading to Mi-35MS Hind helicopters – taken and  adapted from their military requirements and have been turned into sky taxis for the mega-rich.

The converted choppers are stripped of all their armaments and have installed long range fuel tanks as well as missile approaching warning sensors.

The air taxis will be painted green and while the cabin is only large enough to carry a few people, it will be fitted out with comfortable couches, flat screen tv and headphones.