Hundreds of volunteers have gone out of their way to ensure the safety of up to 20,000 frogs across busy roads in Estonia during the time of their annual migration this spring.

Frogs on their annual migration were helped across busy highways in Estonia by volunteers

Frogs on their annual migration were helped across busy highways in Estonia by volunteers Image by Carly Lesser & Art Drauglis / CC BY 2.0

People were only too happy to help the creatures on their natural journey by carrying them across busy highways, where otherwise they would face being crushed by speeding vehicles.

The Postimees newspaper reports that because the migration went on for a long time last month, it meant the workers required great stamina and vigilance in figuring out where the frogs were trying to cross.

The BBC reports that a large proportion went around Lake Vortsjarv in the south of Estonia and also in the region of Tammiku where up to 4,000 creatures were assisted on their way.

It was also reported that there was a strong stream crossing residential streets close to Tallinn, the capital.

The Nature Fund estimates that since 2011 their volunteers have saved 63,000 from death while migrating. The organisation wants to build tunnels so that the frogs can avoid being killed crossing roads.