Wild Russia Episode 2 Kamchatka – Nature Documentary

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26 Replies to “Wild Russia Episode 2 Kamchatka – Nature Documentary”

Eric Smith
February 27, 2015
Whos High Right now
Vedra S
February 27, 2015
Amazing documentaries! Thank you so much for uploading them!
February 27, 2015
Only to re-iterate what others have said, awesome documentary, many thx for upload !!!
February 27, 2015
Some landscapes resemble Alaska. I guess the grizzly bear in America comes from Kamchatka arriving in America by way of the frozen Bering Strait. The ancient peoples living in Kamchatka may also travelled to America via the Bering Strait. They were possibly the ancestors of Native Americans.
Veronica A Bud
February 27, 2015
Wild Russia Episode 2 Kamchatka - Nature Docum…: http://youtu.be/PYgtbwUJd10 
Olga Russian
February 27, 2015
Моя Родина потрясающая !!!! :) люблю Россию , жить без неё не могу ! 
February 27, 2015
14:33 XD
Remi Tomsa
February 27, 2015
Beautiful !
February 27, 2015
i didn't know in Russia had caribu...
Grace Kelley
February 27, 2015
That poor bear getting stuck in the landside was so sad. All those animals buried...
katie kelly
February 28, 2015
The struggle
February 28, 2015
Misleading title, down vote.
Dexion Evicus
February 28, 2015
Vegans.. the murderers.. Iam ashamed of you, how can you kill and torture other living organisms for your own selfish needs? Eat stones and dirt, be human for Gods sake.
JohnFive Eagles Szuros
February 28, 2015
I am descended from 'medicine people' from my tribe the Ojibwa and my elders taught me that trees have a culture all their own. They have spirits and they can communicate with each other and with people. So i took that as an old mythos and went about my business as a modern 'Indian' going to university and the old world view was just that. Then i started having 'dreams and visions' and one of my strongest helpers from over there was 'deer tree' a big old tree that looked like a deer at the same time. I never understood what it was telling me or what it had to offer or what it needed offered to it. That thing scared the shit out of me and I never ever looked at trees the same way again. I do believe they have something that can be loosely described as 'culture' and when one thinks about it all that really is all about is socializing and the things we do when we come together. So groups of trees will favor their own kind(as in the case of the oak that kills other saplings in it's area) and they can send tendrils to one another or even chemicals. My elders told me plants have spirits and before science they thought that things like the effects of a drug in a plant like marijuana or peyote were actually spirits that entered the body. Same for medicines that healed and some were used by witches to harm others. Go figure.
damien park
February 28, 2015
man this is the worst day for buddhist monks and compulsively VEGETARIAN lesbianism feminists 
Conh Flama
February 28, 2015
"adapted", "evolved". "evolutionary origens". With zero showing any evolutionary chain. they see an ape and a human, then run rampant. THEN say that EVERYTHING is the same. the plants, Everything. never having to show any of it. Nor do they have to show Milldle transition animals or plants. these people are truly retarded. they can show How intricate this system is, and yet they stupidly conclude its all just random, and spawned by some ZERO push....because the NON INTELLIGENT thing opted to evolve, and monkey man stated monkey and man became man...and who are the lesser evolved? The blacks thats who...till that became NON POLITICALLY CORRECT to say...so now you evolutionists have no "missing links" to proove your retarded views anymore.
The Secrets of Nature
February 28, 2015
this is a brilliant doc! very insightful. 
Chandan Maddanna
February 28, 2015
+qwyzl +Dexion Evicus I will try to respond you and tohers curious about vegan feeling, with respect. The knowledge that backs schools of thoughts such a vegan-ism, or even vegetarianism is a bit more advanced then modern science which as you see are still in experimentation on even basic intelligence. At the heart of such practices lie the deeper understanding of wanting to crease as less "sentience" pain as possible. the "sentience" provide individuality to the consciousness, to enable individual form and expression. The amount of awareness vary, and also the scale of each form vary. With plants and such mass conscious beings, we don't feel more comfortable eating them, because they are lesser beings. Instead its the opposite. they are vast and their individuality spawns over a entire group consciousness and pocess large awareness. so next time i pick a fruit, or eat a shrub, i know its synonymous to having a haircut. actually a single strand or so... just a metaphor, but you get the point So its the pain to sentient species, and the individual self and harm against it. and beyond all, deep understanding that nothing we do goes in waste, what we sow, that we reap and every bit counts. Off course if i could feed on sunlight and live, that would be better. But until then, i want to live as responsibly possible. Just because i cannot do the wisest does not mean i should not attempt the next best thing. and besides vegan is now in all international dictionaries and Wikipedia, Britannica and much more. i don't think at this point some one human, recognizing or not recognition has any value, and for sure, we are the least bothered about it. Your future to you, my future to me. I wish good luck to both of us. no harm.
February 28, 2015
This video is not from BBC, it was produced by Gédéon Programmes, K Production, and ARTE. It was written and directed by Jacques Mitsch Stop fooling around with title. Your dick won't grow bigger
Per Trygve Stevik Johnsen
February 28, 2015
Just like to say that I love the idea of plants being just as much beings as animals and creatures of all kinds, and I have no doubt that it is so. The problem is humans urge and need to over and mono cultivate. It's all about survival.
February 28, 2015
I am Christian and I am offended by this! 
February 28, 2015
Is this one of those stupid documentaries that explores only fringe ideas and at the end leaves you with a stupid ass question and no answers? I hate that shit.
Mike Coles
February 28, 2015
Stolen. YouTube needs an easier way to flag YouTube channels that leech off of others. Down vote. 
February 28, 2015
BBC? No, this is Yankie BS. How can one escape all this Yank BS!
February 28, 2015
The Largest Organism on Earth Is a Fungus Armillaria ostoyae estimated to be 2,500 years old but could be over 8,500 years, which would place it among the oldest living organisms as well. I wonder what it would think to say?
Michaela Chandler
February 28, 2015
This is scientific proof for what we Witches have know all along.