Hosting the Turner Prize exhibition has led to a record attendance of almost 75,000 visitors at Glasgow’s Tramway venue.

A visitor views an exhibit titled Infrastruktur by Turner Prize 2015 nominee Nicole Wermers, as hosting the Turner Prize exhibition has led to a record attendance of almost 75,000 visitors at Glasgow's Tramway venue.

A visitor views an exhibit titled Infrastruktur by Turner Prize 2015 nominee Nicole Wermers, as hosting the Turner Prize exhibition has led to a record attendance of almost 75,000 visitors at Glasgow’s Tramway venue. Image by Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

The annual art award was won during a ceremony last month by a collective of artists, architects and designers for a project to regenerate part of a Liverpool estate. Work by the four short-listed artists was displayed in the Tramway from October 1 until January 17, as the exhibition moved north of the border for the first time. As well as the 75,000 attendances recorded by the venue, there were around a further 16,000 people taking part in activity such as workshops and talks associated with the show across the city.

Councillor Frank McAveety, leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “Glasgow is Scotland’s cultural powerhouse and the response to hosting the Turner Prize has been phenomenal. I am particularly pleased that so many people, particularly young people, took part in our education and engagement programmes and I have no doubt that will help to inspire the next generation of creative professionals.”

The prestigious £25,000 prize is awarded by Tate to contemporary artists under the age of 50. London-based group Assemble received the 31st Turner Prize for its work Granby Four Streets, that helped locals on the Toxteth estate transform their neighbourhood. Judith Nesbitt, director of national and international programmes at Tate, said: “The city of Glasgow has nurtured artists who have had a profound impact on contemporary art in Britain and internationally, and it has proved to be a natural home for the Turner Prize. The enthusiastic response to Turner Prize 2015, and the number of visitors, demonstrates the continuing public appetite to see and discuss contemporary art.”

(Press Association)