New Zealand’s decision to grant the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster approval to conduct weddings, has increased pressure in Australia to take the satirical church seriously.

The insignia of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

The insignia of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Image by Kenny Louie / CC BY 2.0

The church began in the USA a decade ago by Bobby Henderson after he protested against the teaching of creationism in US schools. Membership of the church in Australia and New Zealand is small but growing. “We have a supreme being like any other religion,” said Simon Cuthbert, an ordained minister of the church. “You can be straight, gay, transsexual, Catholic, atheist — it really doesn’t matter.” The minister said members can even be gluten intolerant. Mr Cuthbert said Australia’s 1,500 pastafarians were being left behind. “New Zealand seems to be leading the way and it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to Australia, the mainland,” he said.

In Australia, the church’s application for incorporation as a not-for-profit organisation was rejected by the South Australian Commissioner for Corporate Affairs. Read more: