As its economy continues to boom, New Zealand is looking to expand its earning power by promoting itself abroad as a tourist destination  – and it’s looking to India for a new source of visitors.

Indiahas become a focus for Tourism New Zealand which hoped to entice over one million from the world's second  most population nation to its shores within five years.

India has become a major focus for Tourism New Zealand which hopes to entice over one million from the world’s second most population nation to its shores within five years. Image by Sanyam Bahga / CC BY-SA 2.0

The country has earmarked a marketing campaign for the world’s second most populated nation in the belief that they can achieve the goal of one million Indian tourists by 2021. India is currently the tenth source market for New Zealand and last year close on 50,000 people made the Land of the Fern their holiday destination – a jump of 23%.

Tourism in New Zealand is again the country's top export earner with new plans to lure people from India to its shores

Tourism in New Zealand is again the country’s top export earner with new plans to lure people from India to its shores Image by Tom Hall / CC BY 2.0

Steve Dixon, Tourism New Zealand Regional Manager for South and South East Asia, said the growth trend suggested that it would be possible to hit one million tourists within the time-frame of four to five years. Business Standard reported that Bollywood actor Sidarth Malhotra has been appointed by Tourism New Zealand as a brand ambassador to promote the country with the Indian audience. Dixon said the actor is the perfect choice due to his popularity but that he is also enthusiastic and eager to immerse himself into the Maori culture and everything else New Zealand has to offer visitors.

Research has shown that the country is viewed as a premium destination by Indians in the 25-40 year old age group. Tourism New Zealand are targeting them and showcasing the country as a great place to visit for honeymooners, family and young professionals. Dixon said that adventurous people have plenty to explore while its culture is ideal for those who want to go off the beaten path.

Australians are the No 1 visitors to New Zealand at present with tourists from China making up the next biggest volume followed by visitors from the United States, Britain and Germany.