Charges against a woman who nursed two abandoned baby squirrels back to health have been dropped on a technicality.

Lost pregnant squirrel trashes couples' home in Montreal. Image by Mathieu Marquer / CC BY-SA 2.0

Charges dropped against woman who rescued abandoned squirrels. Image by Mathieu Marquer / CC BY-SA 2.0

Maria Vaccarella, of Howell, New Jersey, had faced up to 500 dollars (£344) in fines after she took in a pair of baby squirrels abandoned by their mother. Ms Vaccarella used social media to document the rehab, which caught the attention of state Fish and Wildlife officials, and she was charged with illegally being in possession of wildlife.

But a judge has dismissed the charges after learning that the summons she was issued did not charge her with the correct offence. Ms Vaccarella said she had no idea what she was doing was against the law and “would definitely save a life again”.

(Press Association)