From the glamourous star-studded Opera Ball in Vienna, to sea lions taking up some fine dining in San Diego, here’s today’s mix of images from around the world.

The emperor and empress of Japan take in the view

The emperor and empress of Japan take in the view Image by PA

Japan’s Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko take a walk on a coast near the Hayama Imperial Villa in Hayama, near Tokyo.

Just before an accident happened at the Nitro Circus in Glasgow

Just before the accident happened at the Nitro Circus in Glasgow Image by PA

Screen grabbed image taken with permission from video tweeted by @_R_W_B_ of the moment before two audience members were injured when a stunt at Nitro Circus at Glasgow’s SSE Hydro went wrong. Three audience volunteers were on the motorbike with a professional rider but it appeared to stall near the top of the ramp and tipped over the side.

Sleeping baby seal found in a restaurant

Sleeping baby sea lion found in a restaurant Image by PA

In a photo provided by SeaWorld, an 8-month-old female sea lion pup is shown where it was found sleeping in a booth of the Marine Room, an upscale restaurant in the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego on Thursday. The pup had apparently wandered into the restaurant starving. Experts were called from nearby SeaWorld, who said the pup was severely underweight and dehydrated. The pup was taken to SeaWorld’’s animal rescue center and experts are cautiously optimistic about her recovery. There’’s been a surge in sea lion mortality over the past year because, scientists say, the animals’ food supply has been affected by higher-than-normal ocean temperatures linked to El Nino.

Vienna's glitzy Opera Ball

Vienna’s glitzy Opera Ball. Image by PA

Dancers crowd the dance floor during the traditional Opera Ball in Vienna, Austria, on Thursday. The Opera Ball is one of the most privileged events in the Austrian social calendar, attracting invited local guests along with luminaries and international dignitaries.

The carnival keeps up apace in Rio de Janeiro

The carnival keeps up apace in Rio de Janeiro

A patient from the Nise de Silveira mental health institute dances in costume during the institute’s carnival parade, called in Portuguese: “Loucura Suburbana,” or Suburban Madness, in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Patients, their relatives and workers from the institute held their parade one day before the official start of Carnival.

Coins for the year of the Monkey which will be celebrated this Chinese New Year

Coins for the year of the Monkey which will be celebrated this Chinese New Year Image by PA

The Royal Mint of actor Wei Wei dressed as the famousMonkey King character, with a coin featuring the playful figure of a monkey which has been released as part of the Lunar collection to celebrate the forthcoming Chinese New Year on 8 February.