IKEA Taiwan has created a new hot pot plate powered by mobile phones.
The technology uses the weight of mobile phones to generate power on a hot plate, which heats up to cook a shared hot pot bowl. The plate was revealed in an ad IKEA released on its YouTube channel, which depicted a family who was asked to place their mobile phones on a shelf under a raised hot plate to power the pot. The ad went on to suggest that the new technology would allow friends and families dining together to enjoy conversation rather than looking at their mobile phones. Hot pot – a particularly convivial genre of Chinese and Taiwanese cuisines – involves a group of diners dipping ingredients into a shared pot of broth. IKEA plans to sell the new anti-phone pot in its Taiwanese stores, though it was unclear when it would be made available.
Read more: shanghaiist.com
Source Article from http://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/2016/02/09/ikeas-phone-powered-hot-pot-causes-a-stir-in-taiwan/
IKEA’s phone-powered hot pot causes a stir in Taiwan
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