Kyiv cityscape. Image by Timm Suess / CC BY-SA 2.0
A team from the Kyiv Centre of Archaeology has recently unearthed an entire street in the centre of Kyiv, thanks to routine checks at a construction site near the Dnipro River.The remains of the discovered wooden buildings, about seven metres below ground, are believed to date back to the period between the eleventh and 13th centuries, the time of Kyivan Rus. Other findings include coins, beads and clay pots from the same period, indicating the site was a well populated medieval street. According to archaeologists, this discovery is very significant because it shows that the territory of ancient Kyiv was larger than previously thought, and that people from Kyivan Rus lived on the banks of the Dnipro River. Since the discovery, the construction of the shopping mall has been halted and there are already plans for a possible museum at the site. Read more: kyivpost.com
Source Article from http://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/2015/03/13/archaeologists-unearth-a-whole-medieval-street-under-kyiv/
Archaeologists unearth a whole medieval street under Kyiv
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